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She would have just to keep the fifteen pounds until she could make it twenty. Anna took up the pen, and signed, after a moment’s hesitation, A. "No," replied Jonathan, "I'll not take you at your word, as regards the latter proposition. . She doubted how she stood toward him and what the restrained gleam of his face might signify. " "So do I," replied Ruth. 1. I promise not to do it again.

Video ID: TW96aWxsYS81LjAgQXBwbGVXZWJLaXQvNTM3LjM2IChLSFRNTCwgbGlrZSBHZWNrbzsgY29tcGF0aWJsZTsgQ2xhdWRlQm90LzEuMDsgK2NsYXVkZWJvdEBhbnRocm9waWMuY29tKSAtIDEzLjU4Ljc3Ljk4IC0gMjktMDQtMjAyNCAxNzozMjowNyAtIDU1NzE1NjU0NA==

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